2016-06-07T11:08:37-0500 2024-02-22T10:53:51-0600 True Using an online communication tool like the OurFamilyWizard® website can be a great help for co-parents who want to share all kinds of information in a neutral space. Using an online communication tool like the OurFamilyWizard® website can be a great help for co-parents who want to share all kinds of information in a neutral space. /sites/default/files/InfoBank-Med.png Co-Parenting on OurFamilyWizard
Published: Jun 7, 2016
Updated: Feb 22, 2024

Information Sharing for Co-Parents

Every divorce has its own outcome, and some of those outcomes are more amicable than others. An ex-couple who can maintain a friendly relationship even after separation or divorce is an excellent outcome, but this isn't how it ends for many people. Difficult separations or divorces become that way for various reasons, leaving one or both parties anxious to end their connection. However, ex-partners who share children often find that their connection cannot simply end altogether. When both parents maintain the responsibility to care for their children, information must be shared between homes in order to best promote the well-being of their children. Those who had a contentious break up should carefully choose the method in which they communicate and share information in order to lower the chance of future conflicts occurring. In this situation, using an online communication tool like the OurFamilyWizard® website can be a great help for co-parents to share all kinds of information in a neutral space.

Co-parents have a lot of information that they must both stay aware of at all times. Some of this information is particularly sensitive such as insurance details and medical data. Sending this information through regular email or text messages can be problematic because the data can easily be misplaced among other messages, deleted, or even received by the wrong person. Moreover, in an emergency situation in which a specific bit of insurance or medical data is needed, you don't want to waste time scrambling through old emails and texts to try and find what you need now. The OurFamilyWizard® website offers a solution for this matter by way of the information bank. OurFamilyWizard®'s information bank is divided into several sections that allow co-parents to store and share all types of important information about their children. For example, there is a medical section in which parents can record all of the vital medical details for each of their children. This includes information about health conditions, past procedures, current incidents, test results, medication, and much more. Medical insurance information can also be stored here with all of the important details about a policy including co-pay totals, policy numbers, etc. When this information is well organized, it makes it easier to locate in the moment that you need it. 

Along with insurance and medical information, the OurFamilyWizard® information bank has sections for co-parents to share even more information including child care contact details, school schedules, clothing sizes, and so much more. Both parents have access to update and view this information anytime from anywhere with an internet connection. If an entry is created or updated by one parent, the other parent is immediately notified. Having easy access to family vital information come in handy in moments such as when at the store trying to buy a new pair of shoes for one of your children. You might not remember your child's shoe size right off the top of your head, but if this bit of data is stored in your OurFamilyWizard® information bank, it is easily accessible right from your smartphone via the OurFamilyWizard® mobile app. It can also be helpful in a moment where you need to contact your child's sports coach or teacher. Instead of possibly having to request their information from your co-parent, it can be posted to the information bank so that you both have access to it at any time. 

More than just storing data and facts, parents can also store and share important files through OurFamilyWizard®. School work, report cards, and permission slips can be uploaded by one parent and made viewable to the other. Copies of insurance cards and medical reports can also be uploaded and shared here, keeping all of this important information shared yet secure. 

The information bank on the OurFamilyWizard® website provides an excellent space for co-parents to share information in such a way that keeps it protected while also makes it readily available when either parent needs it. If you find yourself in a situation where you must share information across multiple homes, OurFamilyWizard® has tools that can make doing so much more efficient for your family. Click here to sign up today and start sharing information with your co-parent.