2016-06-14T11:33:00-0500 2024-02-23T09:42:22-0600 True It's easy to feel unsure about your next steps in life, but moving forward with life after divorce is a necessary step. It's easy to feel unsure about your next steps in life, but moving forward with life after divorce is a necessary step. /sites/default/files/MomBaby-Leaves.png Emotional and Mental Health, Divorce and Separation
Published: Jun 14, 2016
Updated: Feb 23, 2024

Reinventing Your Life After Divorce

A lot will change after going through a divorce. You might move to a new house, your financial situation might turn on its head, and you might even feel as though you've lost part of your identity. It's easy to feel unsure about your next steps in life, but moving forward with life after divorce is a necessary step. This is your time look at your life today and take steps towards reinventing it the way you want it to be. Here are four steps to consider when reinventing your life after divorce.

Heal Your Wounds. The aftermath of a complicated break-up is a painful period of time. You mind may remain focused on your relationship and everything that went right and wrong throughout it. It is perfectly normal to have these thoughts and to feel devastated in the wake of your divorce. However, it is unwise to let old wounds intensify and hold you back from reinventing your life. Actively work towards healing yourself emotionally. Talk about your feelings with close friends and family. Try and make amends with your past, even if it hurts to think back on it. Consider working with a mental health professional such as a therapist who specialises in divorce and relationships. This person can provide advice as someone who is outside of your situation but has the specialised training to give healthy advice on how to move forward in life after divorce. 

Think About Who You Want To Be. Reinventing your life after divorce doesn't mean that you have to become a person that is unrecognisable to your old self, but it does give you a chance to seriously consider the kind of person you are now and where you want to be. In a relationship, a part of your identity is taken up by titles like wife or partner. Once your relationship has ended, those parts of your identity also end. This gives you a chance to fill those parts of your identity however you wish. Be open to new experiences that can show you something that you may not have known about yourself. Start with small steps to reinvent yourself like a new haircut or taking up a new creative hobby. You should be considerate to take on new experiences that fit within the constraints of your life that you can't readily change such as your budget or having to care for your kids. Nevertheless, you can still find new things to try that fit within the rest of your life. Don't be afraid to see where your experiences take you. You might even surprise yourself. 

Don't Rush Things. Reinventing your life after divorce will be difficult at first because you may still be lamenting the loss of your past. Once you get the ball rolling, you'll probably start to have some fun with it. It's good to dive into your new life after divorce head first and ready for new experiences, but you must be careful not to take certain things too fast. This is particularly important if you start seeing someone new. Dating after divorce is a healthy way of moving forward and reinvent your life, yet when it is done without caution, it might simply lead you right back down a similar path to the one you were just on. Don't rush these kinds of experiences. Taking things slowly will help you to be more aware of what it is you truly want. 

Trust Yourself. Getting used to life after divorce can feel scary at times. You might not be sure if the decisions you're making are the right ones. While you probably won't always be able to know if you're making the right choice, you should be confident in everything you do. Trust yourself and the actions you take. Keep your chin up and your eyes always looking towards the future. Self-assurance and boldness can give you the spark you need to reinvent your life after divorce.

Moving forward and reinventing your life after divorce should be a positive experience that makes you feel excited for what lies ahead for you. While you can do a lot to reinvent your life, there are something things that will remain the same. This is true in the case of co-parents who will share the responsibility of raising kids together. To make doing so across two homes easier on your whole family, use the tools offered by the OurFamilyWizard website to communicate, coordinate schedules, track expenses, and so much more. Click here to sign up for OurFamilyWizard® today and keep your family connected while you reinvent your life after divorce.